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A close up of ferrofluid in water flowing towards the magnet.

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So this is how ferrofluid looks like, when it is not so fluid…As if the iron were suspended in the liquid!I put it into alcohol, pure at the 96%, but will play experiment more, until I find the right consistence!

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Soft lights #1.

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This project has been created for the launch of Alkene’s new album Etere, at Atelier Home Gallery in Trieste. (have a look at their website, it’s worth it!) Each face of the dodecahedron represents a different world, which one can explore […]

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Button up! I finally have them! These buttons are the development of the Bottony project.  Here is a link. What what what. The fist prototypes and idea, came from the waste of another work: the laser cut acrylic rings. Since […]

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Logo design for the twin volunteering Association. The letters T and S merge to emphasize the connection between these two countries and the activities of the Association. Poster for the launch of the association in Belgrade. The Association organized many events […]

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Living Garden

Living Garden is a gardening company based in Auckland, New Zealand. Here displayed are 2 proposals for the design.Leaf + Shovel Reverse play with words. Your work makes the garden live, the two are strictly connected. Leaf = Living Shovel […]

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Cut Dreams

“Siamo fatti della stessa sostanza dei sogni” once Shakespeare wrote. My task was to write this sentence on a plexiglas board, I could choose the technique and the style, so I chose to emphasize the letters and the meaning of […]

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Not just Oranges

Photography + graphic Objects created with orange slices. The aim of this project is to stimulate creativity in kids. This exercise helps them realize that 1 thing can be 1000 things.

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Buttons holes

When I presented the Barchimede project at the Trieste Mini Maker Faire, I wanted to create a connection between the visitors and the maker’s world in a simple and friendly way. With this intention, I chose to create laser cut rings, so people could bring […]

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